Friday, May 11, 2007

I had the pleasure of visiting the Museum of Modern Art in New York City on Wednesday. It truly is a wonderful museum, albeit a bit expensive. I loved how open it was, it really felt much more modern than many of the other museums I had been to recently. There seemed to be a great balance between paintings, and sculptures like the one pictured here.

The museum was very spacious, you never felt claustrophobic. Like many other museums, they used white or pastels on the walls so as not to distract from the paintings themselves.

I was impressed with the number of famous paintings found in the MoMA. Everywhere you looked, it seemed like another room dedicated to a famous artist. This painting is Picasso's "Les Demoiselles D'arignon."

One of my favorite paintings, this is also painted by Picasso. It is "Three Musicians."

It seems like every museum must have at least one Jackson Pollock painting in order to consider themselves a proper museum! I forgot to write down which one this was, but I believe it is "Number 2." If my memory serves me, "Number 1" was at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

I had never seen an Andy Warhol painting up close, so this was a treat. I loved the strange use of color scheme here.

Another Andy Warhol painting, each can of soup is a different type. While a bit strange, it certainly didn't help that my girlfriend and I were starving when we saw it! Unfortunately, we didn't want to pay $17 for a bistro sandwich upstairs, so we went hungry for a little while!

I was extremely surprised when my girlfriend pointed out this painting to me. It is Vincent van Gogh's "The Starry Night." This painting is without a doubt my favorite work of art... I even have a copy hanging in my room! I was absolutely elated that I got to see it in person, and it made the entry fee completely worthwhile. I would go back to the MoMA just to see this painting again. I will say though, it was much smaller than I thought it would be, only about three feet by two feet.

Amazingly, it seems I just can't get away from George Stubbs! This is a sign I noticed while walking back to the train station. I would have stopped in, but I was rushing to catch my train. It's funny that the artist that I did my first paper on has come back to haunt me so many times!

Overall, the MoMa is a wonderful museum that is worth the time and money to visit, although I'll still take the MET almost every time!

1 comment:

Jerry said...

Great, Marc... Seeing a painting like Starry Night after seeing reproduced (or hanging in you room) is like meeting a movie or rock star... Fun...

The Frick Collection is a great place to visit some afternoon in NYC too...