Sunday, May 6, 2007

Metropolitan Museum of Art

The Metropolitan Museum of Art is probably my all time favorite museum. This impressive building towers over Central Park in New York city. I can easily get lost inside this great place for hours upon hours, and never see the same thing twice. The "Met" was founded in 1870 and contains over two million works of art from around the globe. ( It is one of the largest museums in the world.

The lobby of this wonderful place is nearly as impressive as the facade. The ceiling simply towers over you... it's hard to believe how much work must have gone into building this place!

For the most part, the Met is an extremely open place. Many times you get the feeling you are outdoors, rather than in a museum. Here for instance, a large skylight and a facade of an Italian town center makes you almost believe you're in Sicily!

My absolute favorite exhibit of the Met is the Egyptian artwork section. I just love looking at art that is thousands of years old!

Sometimes its hard to believe the amount of work that has gone into these pieces. Could you imagine someone today slaving over a slab of rock for thousands of hours with primitive tools?

Sadly, the temple room (my favorite place in the Met) was closed this visit. I certainly hope they aren't replacing it!

I love the way the Met integrates "action" pieces
with wall exhibits and statues. It gives the whole museum a much more exciting feel!

Overall, the Metropolitan Museum of Art is most certainly my favorite museum. While other galleries may have more famous works, the Met is simply massive. Though I've been there probably eight times over the past 5 years or so, I still found places today that I had never seen before. It is way too easy to be wandering for hours, and not realize how much time has gone by! I will definitely be heading back there in the near future, and I hope you all will be, too!


Christina said...

I haven't been as often as you, but I can see how you can find new exhibits each time. This place is wonderful

Yiovannie said...


Your right, you can get totally lost in this museum without seeing the same thing twice which is Great. It feels like a wonderful never ending journey.

Jerry said...

I liked your reflection on ancient artists slaving over a slab of rock image... you have connected with process, material and person.... necessary to understand art at a deeper level.